A film by Joe Houlberg Silva
2024, 90 minutes
No. 457

Each year, Don Feliciano harvests the Cuvivíe, a migratory bird who inexplicably commits suicide in the Ozogoche Lakes in the mountains of the Ecuadorian Andes. The event is a time of celebration and feast for the surrounding communities. Don Feliciano, as one of the elders, passes down the traditions and history of the Ozogoche’s relationship with the Cuvivie to his granddaughter, Sisa, and the other kids in the villages. 

However, facing the decline of the Cuvivíe harvest, family members have migrated to the USA; their news coming only through phone calls and TikTok reels. Because nature can no longer provide as it once did, more and more of Don Feliciano’s community now struggle with their choice to leave.

Official Selection, IDFA
Official Selection, DOK.fest Munich
Official Selection, Margaret Mead Film Festival